Understanding Your Personality for Optimal Productivity

Flow or “the zone” is a state where a person’s physical and mental performance goes through the roof. A zone is also a place where people are absorbed in what they do, and time seems to fly. Flow is universal. People can train themselves to move into this space when certain conditions are met to make the state repeatable and reliable.Peoples’ personality contributes to their productivity. One cannot use another person’s system for productivity as personality varies from person to person. What works for one person for personal growth may not work for another. Organizations reach out to different personalities to increase productivity to find out the systems could not give them results.

Some personality traits that play an essential role in optimal productivity include a person’s risk tolerance, the openness to try new things, and whether one is introverted or extroverted. Personality traits are difficult to change as they are genetically coded.

Onboard processes for optimal performance

Curiosity, purpose, passion, mastery, and autonomy are intrinsic motivators that give room for peak performance. Curiosity, passion, and purpose are the basics of optimal performance, followed by autonomy, which is the desire to pursue purpose and passion. Mastery pushes people to become experts in what they do.

Proper alignment of intrinsic motivators takes time as it varies from person to person. While in the alignment process, people should focus on cultivating and amplifying their strengths and values to enhance their personality.

How to find one flow triggers

There are 22 flow triggers, and one needs to understand what works for them for optimal performance. Examples of flow triggers include deep embodiment and high consequences. Triggers change from time to time as people develop and strengthen their personalities.

Body and Brain Preparation for Peak Performance

Apart from focusing on triggers, people should check their physical and mental health for performance. They should ensure their energy levels are up and anxiety is in check. Eating healthy, having enough sleep, and exercising are some of the activities that enhance healthy living. Mindful meditation and performing breathwork exercises regulate emotions and lower anxiety. Take 20 to 40 minutes a day and engage in these exercises to improve overall health and flush out stress.

When people understand their personalities, work on their physical and mental health, they are assured optimal productivity in what they set to do.

Advice for Dealing with Depression

Depression affects people differently across the world. Talking to your loved ones and those around you help create awareness. There are tons of tips on how to deal with depression. Some of them work for other people while others don’t. Here are helpful pieces of advice that will help you manage the situation.

Jot Down Things that Make You Sad

For starters, you need to write down things that make you sad and moody. The best time to write them is when you are feeling much better. This way, you will know your triggers and manage them with sheer simplicity. For some people, spending time with people drains them. Virtual meetings also make some individuals gloomy after finishing them. You can go for counseling or take medication when you encounter such situations.

Buy a Plant

Another way of dealing with depression is buying a plant. You can order it online due to the pandemic that has curtailed movement. It’s no secret that greenery and nature make you feel calm and relaxed as well. Having a plant to nurture gives you the satisfaction of being part of something. Plus, when you see it, your moods change for the better. With the lockdown, you can have an outdoor vision inside your home or apartment.

Embrace the Feelings

Accepting that you are going through depression is a huge step. Please don’t ignore your feelings or fight them since they will overwhelm you. Instead, sleep or cry so that you can feel better later. Embrace what’s going on, and in due time you won’t feel too awful. Let yourself feel the whole process of managing depression. Take time off to lie down or be away from the social scene.

Inform Family or Housemates that You’re Struggling

Your family, loved ones, or housemates need to know that you are battling depression. Inform them that you aren’t annoyed with them, and you need some time alone sometimes. Tell them that they shouldn’t feel the need to take care of you when you feel down.

Follow Useful Social Media Accounts

Social media accounts like Instagram and Tik Tok have crucial advice to offer regarding depression. You can follow them to view jokes about depression to feel better. Look for uplifting stuff that boosts your mood at all times. 

Visit NHCC.us for more on New Horizon Counseling Center and Herrick Lipton!

Breaking the Structural Stigma of Mental Health Issues

Mental health is a topic everyone speaks about on a daily basis. It’s all about self-esteem, intellectuality, and how one behaves socially. It affects how they see themselves. It’s a determination of how they:

  • Handle anxiety
  • Relate to others
  • Make choices

Mental health is essential for everyone in every phase of life.

Mental health stigma refers to a state where one is viewed negatively because of their different traits or characteristics. It’s a disadvantage as people perceive those negatively suffering from mental health. People make negative remarks directly or indirectly to those who suffer from mental health. The following are some ways of breaking the stigma.

1. Treatment

Many fear getting treatment because they don’t want to admit they need it and will be labeled as suffering from mental health. The therapy provides satisfaction by establishing the problem, which decreases symptoms that intervene with everyday life.

2. Letting Go of Self-Doubt and Humiliation

Admitting that you’re suffering from mental health is a way of reducing stigma. Many believe that the condition portrays weakness and they can control it without help. It’s best to seek treatment, expound more on mental health and interact with those who suffer from it. It helps in gaining self-confidence and stops them from judging negatively.

3. Be More Interactive

Those who suffer from mental health are usually introverts and don’t like to talk about their feelings. But they should be extroverts and reach out to family, friends, or any trusted person to talk about their feelings. This helps in getting support, understanding, and empathy.

4. Be Part of Support Groups

Support groups educate those suffering from mental health to society, family, and friends by having programs. It creates awareness of what they should do when one suffers from mental health.

Let people be aware that they can always reach out to talk about how they feel. Don’t be judgmental because it can lead to worse things like suicide. Always listen to and help those who suffer from mental health in any way possible. Let’s break the stigma of mental health, create awareness, educate more on mental health, and never take it for granted.

Visit NHCC.us for more on New Horizon Counseling Center and Herrick Lipton!