Falling Asleep While Feeling Anxious: Tips to Help

Everyone has experienced a period where they feel anxious and can’t fall asleep. There are many reasons for these periods, but it is important to fall asleep when feeling anxious because this will help you get back on track the next day. This article will discuss tips that people have found helpful in falling asleep while feeling anxious to find your solution.


Start by taking deep breaths. Hold it for three more, and let the breath out for another six seconds. Repeat this process until you feel relaxed enough to fall asleep. You can also try focusing on your heartbeat or counting down from 100 backward.


No matter how anxious you are feeling, don’t eat or drink anything that can dehydrate you. This includes caffeine and alcohol, both stimulants that will make it harder for your body to relax enough to fall asleep.


Do not let your mind wander. Try using a meditation app or listening to relaxing music while deep breathing and counting down from 100 for this technique to be effective. You can also think about other things going on in your life, but don’t stress yourself out by thinking about anything negative.


Do not look at your phone or tablet before bed. The blue light that these screens emit will keep you up longer than you think! If possible, try using a computer instead of a mobile device. Some people have found success in wearing blue blockers while drifting off to sleep as well! Either way, the goal is for your eyes to be relaxed when trying these different techniques.


Consider writing down your thoughts in a journal or diary for ten minutes before going to sleep. This can help you clear out any anxious feelings that may be preventing you from falling asleep because it helps put them into words instead of holding them inside your mind. You can also say your thoughts aloud or to a pet, but avoid doing this if you have someone sleeping next to you as it may wake them up!


If you still feel anxious after trying these steps, try to distract yourself by reading a book or listening to music. If that doesn’t work, get up and do some light stretching until your muscles are relaxed enough for sleep. You can also try herbal tea! There are many kinds available at the grocery store with different scents and flavors to help you relax. Try to think about something else until the anxiety subsides, or try writing down your thoughts in a journal which will be helpful for the next day.


If none of these options work, you can always try a hot bath or shower to help your body relax. Put some calming essential oils in the water along with something that smells good and has a light scent like lavender. This will help calm any anxiety you may be feeling while also helping yourself feel relaxed enough to fall asleep! Make sure those essential oils don’t contain any caffeine, as this could have the opposite effect.

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