The Benefits of Meditation and How to Get Started

One simple yet powerful practice that can help improve one’s mind and body is meditation. It involves focusing on a specific object or activity to achieve a state of relaxation and mental clarity. There are a variety of benefits to meditation and how to start.

Benefits of Meditation

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

According to studies, meditation can help reduce anxiety and stress by lowering cortisol levels, a stress hormone. It can also help improve one’s mood and promote relaxation.

Improves Focus and Concentration

Meditation can also improve concentration and focus by training one’s mind to stay focused on the present. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who struggle to concentrate on their tasks.

Boosts Immune Function

Studies show that meditation can boost one’s immune function and reduce inflammation, which can help lower one’s risk of chronic illnesses.

Promotes Emotional Wellbeing

The practice of meditation has been shown to have various benefits for the body and mind. It involves focusing on a specific activity or thought to achieve mental clarity.

Getting Started

Choose a Quiet, Comfortable Space

To start practicing meditation, choose a quiet and comfortable space conducive to sitting or lying down. You can also use a chair or cushion to support your back.

Set a Time Limit

Initially, start with a few minutes of meditation every day. Gradually increase the duration of the practice as you become more comfortable. You should practice at least ten to fifteen minutes per day.

Focus on Your Breath

As you breathe in and out, focus on the sensation of the movement in and out of your body.

Practice Mindfulness

Acknowledge the present moments and let go of any thoughts that arise. Refrain from getting carried away by past or future thinking.

Experiment with Different Types of Meditation

There are various types of meditation, such as body scan, mindfulness, and loving-kindness. Experimenting with the kind of meditation that works best for you is essential.

Be Patient and Kind to Yourself

Practicing meditation can take time and patience. If you find it challenging, don’t let it discourage you. As you practice, you’ll eventually become more comfortable and experience the benefits of the practice.

The practice of meditation is a powerful and straightforward way to improve one’s mind and body. It can help boost one’s emotional and mental health and make one’s life happier.

Alternative Ways to Cope with Failure

Failure is an inevitable part of life every single person faces. It’s easy to get into your own head and think of every reason as to why and how failure occurred, which can spiral into some intense negative thinking. Anxiety and depression easily creep in when one doesn’t accomplish their goals, so coping with failure properly is all about knowing how to handle outcomes. Luckily, there is a proper way to handle failure rather than screaming into a pillow in agony.

Finding the Good

There is a silver lining to every single thing that happens in a person’s life. Losing a job could open the door for possibly getting a new, better job. Not getting into the dream college could make way for potentially going to a better college. It’s all about finding reasons to keep going because there is a silver lining in every situation. Failure can hit hard depending on how meaningful a certain dream may have been, but it doesn’t have to be impossible to seek the good.

Having New Goals

Being somebody who can jump up and start anew is the kind of person everybody should aim to be. Life can take some twists and turns, and certain goals can take a dive for the worst when things don’t go a certain way. Don’t be scared to reach for new dreams, have new goals, and find new ways to grow as a person. Creating new goals will help anyone cope with the loss of their previous dreams.

Reframing the Idea of Failure

The things people say to themselves can dictate how they end up feeling when things don’t go their way. They’re hard on themselves and refuse to take no for an answer. Reframing thoughts in regards to failure is the way to cope. It’s about acknowledging that this isn’t the end of the world. Putting their best foot forward is all that matters.


These are powerful new approaches to failure that can make it easier when things don’t go a certain way. It doesn’t have to end in bitterness or anger. Anyone can reframe their mind from anger to gratitude and being able to see the good in any situation. Just a switch can make a difference.

What to Know About Antidepressant Withdrawal

Most people are aware that there will be a period of withdrawal when someone stops taking certain drugs, such as painkillers, or more serious substances like cocaine and heroin. However, some people don’t realize that there may be a possibility of antidepressant withdrawal when a person stops taking their prescribed medication. If this happens, does that mean that the person was addicted to the antidepressant?


If a person has taken antidepressants for a number of weeks, then there is a possibility of withdrawal if they abruptly stop taking the medication. These symptoms, called antidepressant discontinuation syndrome, can last for a couple of days up to a few weeks. Certain types of antidepressants are also more likely to cause a user to experience withdrawal symptoms.


The following symptoms may occur within one to two days after a person stops taking their antidepressants:


  • Anxiety
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Muscle aches
  • Chills
  • Insomnia
  • Vivid dreams
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Electric shock sensations
  • Nausea


An individual may also often see a return in their depression symptoms after stopping their antidepressants cold turkey.


While withdrawal symptoms are common for someone who has stopped taking antidepressants, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they were addicted to the medication in the first place. Long-term chemical changes occur in the brain of an addict, characterized by very intense and uncontrollable cravings. These cravings can make it difficult to control the use of addictive substances. However, antidepressants do not cause these changes.


A doctor can help an individual minimize the risk of withdrawal from antidepressants. They will likely recommend a slow taper of the medication. As the person reduces the dosage of their antidepressant over the course of several weeks or more, their body begins to gradually adapt to not having the medication in its system.


Some doctors also prescribe different types of antidepressants or medications for short-term assistance. These will help the body adjust to the absence of the other medication. In the case of a patient switching from one brand of antidepressant to another, their doctor might simply start them off at the equivalent dose of their previous medication.


It can be hard to tell if the symptoms a person is feeling are returning depression symptoms or if they are withdrawal symptoms. Patients should always keep their doctor informed of their symptoms and feelings. If the depression returns, many doctors will recommend starting treatment again, either by prescribing the same antidepressant or offering a new brand.

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How to Declutter the Mind for Better Mental Health

Spring cleaning involves more than getting rid of unused property. The mind also has to be decluttered every once in a while. Otherwise, it’s difficult to mentally and physically function at an optimal level.


People who find themselves regularly suffering with anxiety or stress-related conditions should highly consider making some changes, including:


Trying something new.

Over time, people lose their natural desire to try new things. By going against the urge to avoid new experiences, it allows for more brain expansion and enhances overall wellness.


Getting some exercise.

Many people don’t know that exercising is just as important for brain health as it is for maintaining physical health. In fact, health experts suggest that regular exercise promotes brain growth and expands memory.


Best of all, this mental growth doesn’t require intense workouts. Something as simple as taking a walk or a bike ride can improve brain function. Aim for at least 30 minutes three times per week.


Don’t ignore circadian rhythms.

Stress can lead to trouble sleeping. When stress-related insomnia occurs, it interrupts the body’s natural sleep cycles, also known as circadian rhythms.


When circadian rhythms are off, it creates a downward spiral. Insomnia sufferers get very little sleep at night and subsequently don’t have enough fuel to properly handle their day-to-day tasks. In severe cases, fatigue can cause life-threatening conditions.


To avoid these harsh consequences and improve mental sharpness, take heed to these rhythms. Even if it means making an extra effort to fall asleep. Lavender aromatherapy, taking a warm bath, and even installing blackout curtains are major steps toward regulating circadian rhythms.


Make time to laugh.

How often do people under large amounts of stress take time to laugh? Laughter releases endorphins, which are the neurotransmitters responsible for alleviating pain and stress. Watching a funny movie or going to a comedy club are great ways to de-stress after a long day.


Life comes with many ups and downs, which can cause a roller coaster of emotions. When used on a regular basis, these mind-decluttering techniques improve mental and overall health. If stress and anxiety symptoms persist, speak to a healthcare professional immediately.

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The Importance of Self-Compassion

Whether a lack of compassion comes from a small failure or a major disappointment, people tend to be harder on themselves than other people. Over time, lack of compassion leads to further mental and emotional issues like anxiety, depression, and stress.

Therefore, people need to practice more self-compassion. Here is the list of self-compassion benefits and improvement techniques worth trying.

It’s a motivator.
People that criticize themselves usually talk themselves out of reaching their goals. Some people are harder on themselves due to years of being criticized as a child. By practicing self-compassion, it’s easier to accept flaws as motivation to improve rather than a reason to give up.

It improves overall health.
People often underestimate the impact of negativity on their health. Constant self-doubt triggers a person’s fight-or-flight response, which increases cortisol levels. Higher levels of cortisol, or the stress hormone, leads to serious illnesses. In severe cases, high levels of stress can be deadly.

With self-compassion, even difficult times don’t have such a negative impact on health. Actually, having compassion leads to adopting healthier coping mechanisms that would otherwise cause mental and emotional problems.

Ways to Practice Self-Compassion
Practicing self-compassion can be difficult at first. To become better at self-compassion, it’s best to do activities like:

Pretend to be a child.
People naturally treat children with compassion and love. Therefore, people should treat themselves with the compassion they’d show a child to change their perspective and better their chances of achieving their goals.

Write a letter.
Receiving encouraging letters from loved ones usually makes the recipient feel better. To get out of a funk, it’s a good idea to write a letter from a loved one’s perspective. Over time, people that write letters to themselves make self-compassion a habit.

In difficult times, it’s a good idea to meditate. With closed eyes, taking deep breaths while thinking of positive mantras helps improve self-compassion.

While self-compassion doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a great way to live a healthier life. Eventually, these techniques help people learn their value, which allows them to form better relationships and overcome everyday setbacks.

Understanding Your Personality for Optimal Productivity

Flow or “the zone” is a state where a person’s physical and mental performance goes through the roof. A zone is also a place where people are absorbed in what they do, and time seems to fly. Flow is universal. People can train themselves to move into this space when certain conditions are met to make the state repeatable and reliable.Peoples’ personality contributes to their productivity. One cannot use another person’s system for productivity as personality varies from person to person. What works for one person for personal growth may not work for another. Organizations reach out to different personalities to increase productivity to find out the systems could not give them results.

Some personality traits that play an essential role in optimal productivity include a person’s risk tolerance, the openness to try new things, and whether one is introverted or extroverted. Personality traits are difficult to change as they are genetically coded.

Onboard processes for optimal performance

Curiosity, purpose, passion, mastery, and autonomy are intrinsic motivators that give room for peak performance. Curiosity, passion, and purpose are the basics of optimal performance, followed by autonomy, which is the desire to pursue purpose and passion. Mastery pushes people to become experts in what they do.

Proper alignment of intrinsic motivators takes time as it varies from person to person. While in the alignment process, people should focus on cultivating and amplifying their strengths and values to enhance their personality.

How to find one flow triggers

There are 22 flow triggers, and one needs to understand what works for them for optimal performance. Examples of flow triggers include deep embodiment and high consequences. Triggers change from time to time as people develop and strengthen their personalities.

Body and Brain Preparation for Peak Performance

Apart from focusing on triggers, people should check their physical and mental health for performance. They should ensure their energy levels are up and anxiety is in check. Eating healthy, having enough sleep, and exercising are some of the activities that enhance healthy living. Mindful meditation and performing breathwork exercises regulate emotions and lower anxiety. Take 20 to 40 minutes a day and engage in these exercises to improve overall health and flush out stress.

When people understand their personalities, work on their physical and mental health, they are assured optimal productivity in what they set to do.

Global Mental Health Outlook Post-Covid

Earlier this year, the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a global pandemic. The virus continues to affect the economy and mental health services, especially in third world countries.

Covid-19 has instilled fear in people across the globe. They are afraid of contracting the virus, considering scientists haven’t discovered a vaccine yet. Moreover, people have to make changes to their way of living to reduce the spread of the virus.For instance, they can be laid off, work from home, home-school their children, and practice social distance. It is why people need to look after their mental health.

What Causes Poorer Mental Health

Anxiety causes poor mental health. How the government and media reacted to the news that Covid-19 is a global pandemic increased anxiety. World Health Organization revealed that millions of people had succumbed to the virus and that the elderly were more vulnerable to coronavirus.

People are also experiencing fearfulness, irritability, and sleep disorders. Not knowing the future of the pandemic affects mental health.

Due to the pandemic, people lost their jobs and, as a result, experienced indebtedness and acute poverty, which also causes poor mental health. As a result, many people are likely to suffer from mental illnesses or even commit suicide. According to a report, substance abuse and suicide contribute to the United States’ increased mortality rate.

The Covid-19 pandemic has negatively impacted global mental health. In most countries, people suffering from poor mental health can’t access proper mental health care.

How to Transform Global Mental Health

Luckily, there is a way to transform global mental health. The pandemic has created an opportunity for healthcare experts to shape mental health care. Here are three strategies that can help transform global mental health care systems.


This strategy uses various digital tools to ensure that healthcare providers learn how to deliver psychosocial therapies.


The strategy focuses on creating and training leaders who will improve mental health care.


It evaluates how effective mental health care systems are and ensure that they are accountable. It identifies where mental health service is needed most.

From the above, it is evident why mental healthcare is important. Mental healthcare ensures social cohesiveness, economic productivity, and improved health.

How to Support Your Children’s Mental Health During the Pandemic

A majority of parents is capable of ensuring their children have good physical health. After all, physical health mainly involves giving your children nutritious meals, ensuring they exercise and maintaining their body cleanliness.

Mental health is not as straightforward as physical health is. This is because, in addition to the attention that physical health needs, mental health may need a higher degree of attention and the involvement of a professional. Just like adults, children have also suffered a great deal because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, their ability to come back to their normal selves depends on the help they get. The following are tips on how to support children’s mental health during the pandemic.

  1. Be a role model: As a parent or guardian, constantly talk to your child about your feelings, your fears, and insecurities and reveal how you cope with them. Do not express anger or anxiety during the conversation. This encourages the child to speak out about their issues too.
  2. Encourage their talents, hobbies, and skills: If your child has a hobby, support them through your finances and time where applicable. This gesture works to build the child’s self-confidence.
  3. Let the child know that everybody experiences pain, loss, anger, and fear and that he/she should accept these feelings because they are a part of life.
  4. A parent/guardian should give their children the opportunity to grow and develop. A child should be allowed to interact with friends and family freely. Through these interactions, the child is able to form a connection with someone whom they can talk to about private issues.
  5. Parents should not insist on physical punishment as a form of disciplining a child. Instead, think of discipline as a form of teaching where you lay your expectations. If the child surpasses your expectations, use rewards as a method of encouragement and if not, deny him/her some privileges.
  6. Take care of your child’s mental health just as you do their physical health. If you notice unusual behavior, talk to your child, and know what is bothering them. If you do not find a concrete solution, look for a professional’s advice.

To make their children tomorrow’s leaders, parents or guardians must make sure that the children are comfortable and enjoying their childhood. This includes supporting their children’s mental health at all times.