How Managers Can Support the Mental Health of Employees

According to the non-profit organization Mind Share Partners, which conducted a study with Qualitrics and SAP, the mental health of around 42% of participants declined since the pandemic began. This is a result of the structural changes that COVID-19 caused in the workforce. As a result, for example, countless people were instructed to work from home. And 44% of them experienced a decline in mental health.


Employee assistance programs, which are offered by many companies in the United States, have existed for many years. And before the pandemic began, employers were starting to pay attention to the mental health of their employees. But the pandemic has demonstrated that more needs to be done. And this is where management can play an important role.


Prior to the pandemic, Roche Genentech, a biotech firm, became viral when its leaders started talking about their own mental health. In fact, the company’s business leaders trained a group of employees on the subject of mental health awareness. Suddenly, remote workers were also participating and making videos of themselves. Business leaders who talk about their daily challenges appeal more to their workers. Employees like to feel a sense of community. Simultaneously, managers that talk about their habits have more of an impact.


This is why flexibility is important. And in these challenging times, it is important to be both proactive and inclusive. While direct reports are important, it is also necessary to be aware of possible transitions and changes. For instance, some employees have children. Perhaps, single parents should be provided with different schedules. A mother that can create her own schedule could be more productive.


As for business leaders, they can create bigger impacts. For years, senior leaders of Verizon have been focusing on work culture. They have trained managers and leaders in workplace mental health. The focus was also on prevention. A healthy workforce is less predisposed in suffering from absenteeism. Also, it is important to communicate to employees about the resources that they have available. According to a study, around 46% of employees were not informed about their mental health resources. Also, some employees may not utilize their benefits because of a social stigma. This is why it is important to normalize the services through communication.              

Retaining Employees in 2022

This year, several organizations are experiencing the effects of employee resignation. Most people are changing careers, and companies aren’t finding enough employees to fill their different positions. Although various industries are experiencing diverse effects, the current situation affects every sector. Organization managers may be wondering how best to retain employees. Here’s what they should do:


They Should Understand Which Employees to Retain

Sometimes, the resignation of some employees provides the company leaders with the opportunity to make adjustments and restructure. Most managers would prefer to retain the top performers in the organization. Only a few of them would be concerned about average achievers. It would be best for the managers to consider not having underperforming employees.


Organization Managers Should Be Familiar with the Employment Market

It is essential to understand the easiest recruitment strategy. Hence, they need to know the state of the recruitment market for various roles in their organization since it would enable them to change their perception of different individuals. They might find that replacing someone they weren’t sure about was straightforward and vice versa.


It would also be best for company leaders to research the salaries offered by competitors for similar positions as those of their employees. They may contact recruiting agencies to understand the state of the employment market. They are the best place to provide the information since they interact with candidates constantly.


Company Leaders Should Find Out What Interests their Employees

Organization leaders are always afraid of rising costs. Even with the probability of high inflation rates experienced this year, most businesses might not be able to afford to increase their employee salaries. Even though most employees may love a salary increment, company managers should find out if there are other things problems in the workplace. It would be best for the managers to ask the employees whatever interests them and implement the changes where possible instead of assuming issues.


Managers Should Make Benefits and Salary Adjustments

All organization managers who pay salaries below the market rate should increase the salaries for all the employees they want to retain. Increased salaries contribute significantly to a focused and happy workforce. Even though companies struggle to find a proper fit for their positions, they are likely to pay higher salaries to find and retain their desired talent. In addition, managers should adjust the employees’ benefits. Most of them consider the benefits provided by employers more than the salaries they offer.